My Process (or lack thereof) for painting Sala

There a few steps you should generally follow when creating an illustration: 

  • 1) form a concept
  • 2) Brainstorm with at least 20 thumbnail sketches
  • 3) do a grayscale study to determine value patterns
  • 4) do a quick color study/create a color pallet
  • 5) gather the reference you need (photos, models, objects etc.)
  • 6) do a detailed drawing
  • 7) proceed to the finished piece!

Following all or even most of these steps makes art faster, easier and better in the end.  I however, have the terrible habit of skipping from step one straight to to the last two steps.  I just can’t wait to get to the delicious details!


True to character, when I thought my portrait of Sala was turning out pretty well I decided to turn it into a finished piece without knowing what sort of picture I wanted it to be. I skipped planning and started playing.



I finished painted Sala’s dress then added a quick shield and stuck in some photo reference of lilies. I didn’t care for the shield so I didn’t bother finishing it but I loved the lilies so I painting some of my own…and then didn’t include them in the final piece because I eventually cropped off the whole bottom of the picture and changed my concept entirely.

Instead I decided to paint Sala with a little pet dragon. I tried several different styles of dragon. Then I thought it’d be nice to have a lantern, and then I thought the picture would look better with a background, and the background needed a landscape in it’s background and finally, after a lot of muddling, I came up with a finished piece.  It probably took five times as long as it would have if I had drawn it out by hand to begin with, but I had a lot of fun creating it and learned a lot about art and Photoshop in the process.

I owe a special thanks to my wonderful husband Eric for offering helpful suggestions whenever I was at a loss.  Here is some advice he gave me for the background.  I especially liked the penguin, but unfortunately it didn’t make it into the final piece.


Digital Portrait

I’ve been working on this picture of my lovely little sister off and on for about a year and I finally decided to just sit down and finish it up for her birthday.  After several late nights it’s finally done!!! (for now…I’ll probably refine it someday) It’s the first digital portrait I’ve attempted and I learned so much in the process.  Hopefully my next piece won’t take nearly as long.  I’ll do a post about the evolution of this picture later, but for now I just want to post it and say HURRAH!

ReGeneration Book Cover

My husband’s cousin’s wife’s cousin (whew!) Tamara Kelly is a writer. She asked me to do a cover for the first book in a series she is currently writing. 

Her book “ReGeneration” is a Romantic Young Adult Sci-fi novel set in a future where human clones are legal but not entirely accepted by society.  The story centers around a teenage girl named Riley and her reluctant interactions with a clone named Liam Kingsley.

I thought the story sounded fun and since her idea for the cover included an apple (a subject I’ve always loved to include in my art) I accepted the commission and here’s the result!


A Midsummer Night’s Dream

midsummerdetail2Eric pointed out to me that I never blogged about the poster I did for my mom’s play last year.  So here it is!  My poster for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”  I had a lot of fun with the details on this one. I carved the names of the lovers in the story onto the trunk crossing them out and adding arrows as the ever changing plot demanded.  Also notice the script on the ground from which Bottom (the donkey) was reading before he was transformed. Tacked to the tree is parchment announcing the play to be preformed at Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding.  I also hid hearts in the tree trunk and in the roots. Enjoy!

