With nothing to go on but sketchy descriptions, it can be a tricky creating the picture my client has in their mind. These trees are an example of that… It took a long time to find the right tree, but I have a whole forest to show for it!
Monster Sketch and a quick Photoshop tutorial
This troublesome little monster was inspired my ferocious and furry fiendish feline friend…my cat Fiero.
For fun, I thought I’d spend a little time and color my drawing in Photoshop.
This is really easy to do. Simply scan in your drawing, open it in Photoshop and set your drawing layer to “multiply.” Then create a new layer beneath your drawing layer and start painting! If you want paint on top of the pencil lines for a smoother, more realistic look you can create another layer on top of your drawing layer I did this over the eyes since my drawing was pretty scribbly in that area.
This is much more satisfying than a traditional coloring book and gives you a good base if you ever want to take your drawing further by getting rid of the pencil lines and make it look realistic. I might finish this picture off sometime but for now I hope you enjoyed this little monster from my Photoshop coloring book
I have a great and top secret idea for a witchy illustration which I will hopefully paint some time… In the mean time here are a few witchy sketches you might enjoy.
Also, my mom decided to make a website to showcase and sell her costumes (thecostumewitch.com coming soon). It seemed apparent that she would need a witch illustration to act as her website persona. Here’s the character we came up with, she likes to sew…