Dress Up

My little family moved to Seattle this summer because my husband Eric has an internship with Microsoft. On the way to Washington we stopped by my parent’s house to visit. As so often happens at my parent’s house, we found ourselves dressed up in elaborate fantastical costumes of my mom’s creation. This time we were posing for a news paper ad to promote a play my mom was directing at the community theater. Seeing my gorgeous littlest sister Sala dressed up as Puck, I couldn’t resist taking out my own camera and shooting some photo reference.

I then had my sister put on another costume and shot reference until she was tired of it (which, to her credit, was much longer than I expected).

With dozens of inspiring photos to work with, I have my work cut out for me.

I decided to do a digital piece since Photoshop is a lot more compatible with a baby that toxic oil paints (and I want to play with my relatively new Intuous tablet). Here’s what I’m working on right now:



I began this piece around Memorial Day and eventually I plan for this image to be a tragic piece about war and the memory of those lost. Obviously it’s still very much a work in progress, so check back in a week or so to see how it’s coming along. Or better yet, add my blog to your RSS feed for an automatic notification whenever I add new updates.

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